林肯英语 -1
A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 1 Wake Up in the Morning-1

(Mrs. Lee, a Korean housewife, decides to teach English to her son Minsu. She will nickname Minsu “ Michael ” from now on. So she also decides to speak only English to him.) (李太太,一位韩国的家庭主妇,决定教她的儿子敏苏英语.她打算从现在开始叫他"迈克儿"而不是敏苏,因此她决定只和他讲英语.

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Michael, it is time to wake up. 迈克尔,该起床了.

Michael (Son): Huh? 哦?

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Yes, it is time to wake up. And, also, from now on I will speak only English to you. And you should speak only English to me, too. 是的,该起床了.还有,从现在起,我将只会和你说英语.你也必须和我说英语.

Michael (Son): Okay, mom. 好的,妈妈.

Mrs. Lee (Mother): Right. That's good. 好的.很好.

Michael (Son): It will be hard at first, but I think I can do it. 开始会很难,但是我想我能做到.

Mrs. Lee (Mother): I know you can do it. 我知道你能做到.