林肯英语 - 2
A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America
Situation 1: Talking about America-1 谈论美国

(Mr. Park, a Korean father, decides to go to America with his daughter Sumi. To get ready to go to America, he also thinks it would be good if she speak only in English.) 帕克先生,一个韩国父亲, 决心和他的女儿苏蜜去美国。 为去美国作准备。 如果他们仅仅说英语,他认为那将很好。

Mr. Park (Father): Sumi, would you like to go to America? 苏蜜你想去美国吗?

Sumi (daughter): What? 什么?

Mr. Park (Father): I ask you if you want to go to American with me. I will go next Tuesday. I think you would learn a lot if you go with me. 我问你,你是否想和我一起去美国。下个星期二我将去 我认为如果和我在一起你将会学到很多东西

Sumi (daughter): Dad, of course I want to go with you. But why are you speaking English to me? 爸爸,我当然想和你一起去, 但是你为什么用英语和我说?

Mr. Park (Father): Well, next Tuesday is only five days form now. If we're going to America, we should practice our English everyday. 哦,从现在开始到下个星期二仅仅五天了。 如果我们想去美国,我们应该每天练习我们的英语。

Sumi (daughter): That is a good idea, Dad. If we speaking English together until next Tuesday, speaking English at America will be easier. 爸爸,那是一个好主意。 如果我们一起说英语直到下个星期二。在美国说英语将会更容易点。