林肯英语 -2
A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America Learning English
Situation 7: Arriving in Los Angeles-1 达到洛杉矶。

(Mr. Park and Sumi finished their flight and arrive in Los Angeles.) 帕克先生和苏蜜完成了他们的飞行到达了洛杉矶。

Mr. Park (Father): Sumi, how is the flight? 苏蜜,飞行怎么样?

Sumi (daughter): It was long and boring, but the movies were fun. 它是太长了,又枯燥。 但是电影很有趣。

Mr. Park (Father): Really? I don't know because I was sleep most of the time. 真的? 我不知道,因为几乎所有时间我都睡着了。

Sumi (daughter): Where do we go now? 现在我们去哪里?

Mr. Park (Father): Now we have to go through immigration. 现在我们不得不穿过移民局入境。