林肯英语 -2
A Father and His Young Daughter Go to America Learning English
Situation 13: Visiting the Grand Canyon-1 参观大峡谷

( Mr. Park and Su-mi finish their trip to San Francisco. The next day, they fly to the Grand Canyon.) 派克和苏米完成了他们的旅行,然后到旧金山。 第二天他们飞往大峡谷。

Mr. Park (Dad): Today, we're flying to the Grand Canyon. 今天我们将飞往大峡谷。

Su-mi (Sue): Will it only take one hour? 那仅仅只要一个小时吗?

Mr. Park (Dad): No, it will take about two hours. 不,它将可能要两个小时。

Su-mi (Sue): That's still a lot better than ten hours. 还是比10个小时好多了。

Mr. Park (Dad): Yes, it is. And if we drove there in a car, it would be take almost thirteen hours. 是的。 如果我们乘车去, 可能要花13个小时。