林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 2 Breakfast-2

James: No, thanks. I'm just not that hungry in the morning. You know that. 不了,谢谢。我早晨的时候没有那样饿。 你知道的

Catherine: I know, but I was reading in a magazine that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 我知道,但是我在杂志上看到, 早餐是一天中最重要的

James: I've heard that too, but I just can't force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. 我也听说过。但是, 我不能在不饿的时候强迫自己吃。

Catherine: Why don't I pack you a snack for later in the morning? You could eat it around ten when you get hungry.为什么不打包晚一点吃饭。十点左右,你饿了就可以吃它。

James: That's a great idea. I always regret not eating breakfast right at ten o'clock. 那真是个好主意。 我经常在十点钟的时候后悔没有吃早餐

Catherine: What shall I make? 我要准备什么呢?

James: How about a beer? 啤酒怎么样?

Catherine: James, be serious. 严肃一点

James: Okay, how about an apple and some cheese? 好,那么一个苹果和一些奶酪怎么样?

Catherine: That's better. Just give me a minute to get it packed. 那好。给我一点时间将它们打包。

James: Take your time. I'm still early. 不急,我还早着呢!