林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 4 The Gas Station-2

James: And the price? 那价钱呢?

Attendant: Well... that depends on how good a set of tires you want. 恩……那要看你需要多好的一副轮胎了

James: No. I'm late for work anyway. I'll just take the gas and oil today. How much will that be? 不行。无论怎样我都要迟到了 我今天只加汽油和机油。多少钱?

Attendant: Let's see. Forteen for the gas and two-fifty for the oil makes sisteen dollars and fifty cents. 让我想一想。汽油十四美元,机油二美元五十分,一共是十六美元五十分。

James: Do you take credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗?

Attendant: Only Visa and Master Card, not American Express. 只收维萨卡和主人卡,不收美国特快。

James: Fine, here's my Visa. 好的,这里是我的维萨卡。