林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 7 The Secretary-2

Lisa: Of course, Mr. Dawson; I'll be right in. (Lisa comes into the office.) What do you need, sir? 当然,先生;我马上进来。 (走进办公室。)先生,你需要什么?

Steve: Could you make Mr. Goddard here about twenty copies of his outline. 你能把这位先生的摘要复印二十份吗

Lisa: Why, doesn't he have a secretary? 为什么?难道他没有秘书吗?

Steve: (A little angry.) Of course he does, but we're working on a project together and I would really appreciate it if you would just cooperate with me right now. (有一点生气)他当然有了,但是我们正合作同一项工程 如果你现在跟我合作的话,我会不胜感激。

Lisa: All right, all right. You don't have to get mad. Did you say ten or twenty copies? 好的,好的。你别发疯了。 你说是十份还是二十份?

James: Actually, ten will be fine. It's a small group today. 事实上,十份就够了。今天的工作量很

Steve: But I said twenty, so make it twenty. 但是我说是二十份,所以做二十份。

Lisa: Yes, sir, Mr. Dawson. 好的,华生先生