林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 13 In the Parking Lot-2

James: Of course I would. I've seen you work, and you're very talented. Even today you were much better prepared than I was, I just got lucky. 我当然会。 我见过你工作,你非常能干。 今天你也比我准备的充分多了,我只不过是运气好

Steve: It wasn't all luck. You have so much more technical knowledge than I do, and you're not afraid to tell the truth. 这不完全是运气。 你的技术知识比我的广,并且你不害怕讲出事实。

James: Exactly, and that's why, like today, we make a good team. I'd hate to lose you and I know the company would too. 确实,那就是原因,象今天,我们合作的很愉快。 我不想失去你,我知道公司也是。

Steve: I'm not so sure about that after hearing Mr. Barnes today. 我不确保今天听了,先生说的话后会是什么样。

James: That's nonsense. He just tried to scare you. 那是瞎说的。他只是吓唬吓唬你

And besides, if he's so happy with my performance, he'll have to listen when I tell him you're one of the best men at his company. 再说了,如果他对我的表现很满意的话, 我跟他说你是他公司里最好一个,他会听的。

Steve: I hope you're right. 但愿你是对的。

James: You know I'm right. Would you like something [some] to drink? 你知道我是对的。 你想不想喝点什么?

Steve: Not only would I like it, I need it. 不只是想,我需要它。