林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 14 In a Bar-1 在酒吧里

Bartender: What can I get for you gentlemen tonight? 酒保:先生今晚想来点什么?

James: I'd like a gin and tonic, please. 我想要一杯滋补杜松子酒。

Steve: Make mine a double scotch, straight up. 给我一杯两倍的直接压火酒。

Bartender: Did you have a rough day? 你今天是不是有生气的事

Steve: I don't want to [wanna] talk about it? but let's just say you should keep the bottle close at hand. 我不想说 但我只想说你应该把瓶子放在手边。

Bartender: [Now] I understand. 我明白了

James: Hey, where's my gin and tonic? 嘿,我的滋补杜松子酒呢

Bartender: Okay, okey. Just give me a second here. 好的,好的。请等一会。

(Bartender goes to make the drinks.) (酒保去拿酒了。)