林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 15 Back at Home-1 回到家里

Catherine: Wow, you're home early. It's only eight forty-five. 噢,你回来很早。 现在才八点四十五。

James: Yeah, it was a strange day at the office. 是啊,今天是奇怪的一天

Catherine: Why? Did your presentation go poorly? 怎么?难道你的陈述不成功?

James: No. Nothing like that. In fact, it went really well. It's just that I had some trouble with a colleague. 不,才不会那样。 实际上,进行的很顺利。 只是我和同事之间有点问题。

Catherine: Who? 谁?

James: Do you remember Steve Dawson? 你记得Steve Dawson吗?

Catherine: Let me think. Didn't I meet him at the Christmas party? 我是不是在圣诞晚会上碰到过他?

James: Yes. That's him. 是的,就是他。

Catherine: That's right [fine]. I told you to be careful when working with him. He seems so aggressive. What did he do? 那就对了,我告诉过你跟他一起工作的时候要小心。 他好象有点好斗。他做什么了?

James: Oh, nothing really. I just thought we were supposed to be working together, but he seemed to be working against me. 哦,真的没有什么 我只是猜想和他合作, 但是他好象和我作对