林肯英语 - 3
A Day in the Life of a Typical American White Collar Worker
Situation 22-1 At the Restaurant-2

(James and Steve are seated.) (詹姆士和坐下来。)

Waitress: Here is our lunch menu with the specials listed on the right. I would especially like to recommend the steak and lobster combination. The lobster is very fresh. 这是我们这的午餐菜单右边列了独特菜。 我特别要向你们推荐这个牛排和龙虾组合。 这个龙虾很新鲜。

Steve: I think I will just have the soup and salad special, please. 我想我们只要汤和独特色拉。

James: What are you talking about? Why don't we both get the steak and lobster special? It sounds great. 你在说什么? 我们为什么不都要这个牛排和龙虾?听起来这个不错。

Steve: But James, that will be a sixty dollar lunch bill. I know what your salary is and you can't afford lunches like this. 但是,詹姆士,那将是六十元的费用。 我知道你的薪水是多少,你不可能付得起象这样的午餐。

James: Don't worry about it. This goes on a company credit card. 不要担心。这都记入公司的信用卡。

Steve: But we don't have company credit cards. 但是我们没有公司信用卡。

James: As of today, I have one. 可是今天,我有一张。

Steve: James! {Does} that mean that you got a promotion? 詹姆士!那是不是以为着你升职了?