林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 5 A Telephone Conversation-2

Sarah: Didn't we just see each other? You must really like me. 我们互相认识吗?你一定真的喜欢我。

Mike: You know I do. But that's not why I called. You know my roommate Charles? Well he wants to come with me to the party tonight. 你知道我的。但那不是我为什么给你打电话。 你认识我的室友Charles吗?他今天晚上想和我一起去参加晚会。

Sarah: Charles? Isn't he kind of a bookworm? Why does he want to come to the party? Charles? 他是不是书呆子那一类的? 他为什么要去参加晚会呢?

Mike: Yeah, he does study a lot, but he is not a bad guy. And there will be so many girls tonight, maybe even he can get lucky. 是的,他学习很好,但他不是个坏家伙。 今天晚上会有很多女孩。 也许他也想碰运气。

Sarah: I wouldn't bet on it. But, yes, I'll put his name on the guest list. How do you spell his last name? 我不相信 但是,我可以将他的名字列到客人名单上。 怎样拼写他的名字?

Mike: M-A-L...

(Cutting Mike off.) (打断Mike。)

Sarah: Wait, wait. Let me get a pen and paper. What was that again? 等等,我拿笔和纸。再说一遍。

Mike: His last name is spelled M-A-L-I-Z-E-W-S-K-I. 他的名字是M-A-L-I-Z-E-W-S-K-I.