林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 7 In a Taxi-1 在的士里

Driver: Where to pal? 去哪朋友?

Mike: To Carleton College, please. Do you know where Elliot House is? 去Carleton大学。 你知道Elliot屋在哪吗?

Driver: Elliot's house? I thought you wanted to go to Carleton. Elliot的家?我想你要去Carleton。

Mike: I do. And it's not Elliot's house, it's Elliot House. That's the name of my dormitory. 我是,但不是Elliot的家,是Elliot屋 那是我宿舍的名称。

Driver: Oh, why didn't you say so? And no, I don't know where it is. 哦,你为什么不这样说? 我不知道在哪。

Mike: That's all right. Just go to the college and I'll give you directions from there. 那好。 就去学校我在那里将告诉你方向。

Driver: You got it. (They arrive at the front gate of the college.) We are here. Now where to? 你到了。(他们到达学校大门口。) 我们到了,现在往哪走?

Mike: Make a right turn at the gate, then go down two streets and take left. 在大门那向右拐,然后一直走再向左拐。

Driver: Will that be a left on Broadway? 是不是在百老汇街向左拐?

Mike: Yes, Elliot House is at 357 Broadway. Elliot屋就在百老汇街357号