林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 10 Calling for Directions-2

Mike: Yeah, isn't there a Gap clothing store on the corner? 是的,那是不是有家个性服饰店在拐角的地方?

Cindy: Right. And from there just go down about four blocks and Hyatt is on the corner of Brattle and Kearney Street. And the grand ballroom is on the second floor. Did you get all that? 对。从那里只要一直走四个区,Hyatt就在Barttle和Kearney街道的拐角处 并且豪华舞厅在二楼。你都记下来了吗?

Mike: Got it. Anything else I should know? 记下来了。还有没有我应该知道的?

Cindy: No, just be there a little early or all the good food will be gone. 没有,你只要早点去那否则所有的好吃的都会没有的。

Mike: Okay, we'll be there at eight o'clock sharp. 好的,我们会整八点到那。

Cindy: Fine, but the party starts at seven. 好,可是晚会七点开始。

Mike: That's right. I forgot. We'll be there no later than quarter after seven, okay? 对,我忘了。 我们回不迟于七点一刻到那,好吗?

Cindy: Great. See you then. 太好了。那再见。

Mike: See you then. Bye. 再见