林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 11 Mike Introduces Charles to Bill-2

Bill: I'm a freshman. Mike and I entered together. What's your major? 我是新生。Mike和我一起来的。你学什么专业?

Charles: I'm majoring in English literature, and you? 我主修英语文学,你呢?

Bill: Engineering, even though I'm terrible at math and science. 工程学,尽管我害怕数学和自然科学

Charles: I'm just the opposite. Math and science are easy for me, but I really like English lit. But I'm really not good at it. 我刚好相反。 对我来说,数学和自然科学很简单,但是我真的很喜欢英语文学 但是我真的不是很擅长。

Bill: Well, you can't be good at everything. 当然,你不可能擅长所有的东西。

Charles: I guess not. 我想也是。

Mike: Are you girls done chatting yet? We're going to be late. 你们的女孩已经开始聊天了吗?我们快迟到了。

Bill: Very funny. And don't worry, it's only six twenty. We've got plenty of time. You just keep getting ready; I'm enjoying talking to Charles. So, Charles, where are you from? 很有趣。你不用担心,才六点二十。 我们还有很多时间。 你准备你的,我和Charles正谈着呢。 Charles,你从哪来?