林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 18 A Political Discussion-2

Charles: Okay, then, what is so important that you must talk about it before I finish my coffee? 好,那么,有什么重要的你一定要在我喝完咖啡之前说呢?

Mike: It's Major Jamison. He's a thief and he just can't be elected. 是吉米斯市长。 勤克俭

Charles: Listen, Mike. Politics are politics. Even if we elect a new major, he will turn out just the same as Jamison. 听着,麦克,政治就是政治。 就算我们推选一个新的市长,他还是会变的和吉米斯一样。

Mike: No, that's not true. Larry Strauss is running for major too and he's an honest man. 不,那不对。 拉勒施特劳斯也在竞选市长,他就是个清廉的人

Charles: You really are a baby. You are so naive. Anyone who wants to be a politician is already dishonest. 你真的是个孩子,你太天真了。 想要成为政客的任何人都是不清正廉明的。

Mike: I don't believe that. You are only twenty years old. Why are you so cynical? 我不相信。 你才二十岁。你为什么那么偾世嫉俗?

Charles: I'm not cynical, I'm realistic. 我不是愤世嫉俗,我是现实主义。

Mike: No, really. Why are you so sure politicians are dishonest. 不,真的,你为什么那么确定政客都不清正廉明?

Charles: Well, if you must know, my father is a politician. 好,如果你一定想知道,我的父亲就是一个政客。真的吗?