林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 19 Sociology Class-2

Professor: Good afternoon. Last week we were discussing the theory of functionalism. 教授:下午好。上个星期我们讨论了职能的原理。 This theory, in brief, states that all people are in a certain socio-economic position for a reason. It further states that each of these positions serves a function and so should naturally be perserved. 这个原理,简单的说, 因为一个原因州的所有人都有一定的社会经济地位。 更进一步的说,州的每个职位尽职责 所以自然的被保留。 Although such a theory seems valid at first glance, there are many problems with it. 虽然初一看这个理论好象是正确的, 那存在着很多问题。 Today I will like to discuss some of the weak point of the theory of functionalism. 今天,我要讨论一些这个职能理论中差的观点。 One of these, for example, is that it does not explain the great difference in opportunities given to the rich as opposed to the poor. 第一个,例如, 没有解释富裕与穷困的机会的巨大差异, Rather , it assumes that the poor have no money because this is their natural condition. Can anyone think of any more shortcomings of functionalism? 甚至,假设穷人因为自然条件而没有钱。 有没有人考虑更多的职能的缺点?

Nancy: Well, it's not only money that they don't have. If they don't have money, that also limits their chances of education, medical care and other important services. 他们没有的不止是钱。 如果他们没有钱,同样限制了他们教育的机会, 医疗保险,和其他的重要公共设施。

Professor: Excellent point. Would anyone like to add something? 好观点。有没有人要补充的?

Mike: I think it is all the fault of dishonest politicians. 我认为都是不清廉官员的过错。

Professor: (Looking confused.) Interesting. I am not sure I understand what you mean, but, yes, many politicians are corrupt. (看起来很糊涂)有意思。 我不敢保证我能明白你的意思,但是,是,许多的官员都很腐败。

Mike: They sure are. Like my roommate's dad... 他们当然是了,就象我室友的父亲……