林肯英语 - 4
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Situation 22 The Internet-1 因特网

(Charles and his friend Kristina are back in the dorm room using the internet.) (查尔斯和他的朋友讫里什那回到宿舍正在上因特网。)

Charles: Kristina, do you usually use Netscape Navigator or Internet Explore when you surf the web? 讫里什那,你通常在网上冲浪时是用网络导航栏还是因特网游览器?

Kristina: Charles, I don't know anything about computers. That's why I'm here to learn from you. 查尔斯,关于电脑我什么都不知道。 那就是为什么我在这里跟你学。

Charles: Oh, right. Well, personally, I only use Netscape. It's the best and besides I don't like using anything from Microsoft. 噢,对。好,就我个人来说,我只用网络。 这是最好的,除此之外我不喜欢用微软的任何东西。

Kristina: Charles, let's start at the beginning. What on earth does "surfing the web" mean? 查尔斯,让我们从头开始。 “网上冲浪”到底是什么意思?

Charles: I forgot. You really are a beginner. "Surfing the web" means exploring the world wild web. 我忘记了,你真的是初学者。 “网上冲浪”意思是开发世界广阔的网络。

Kristina: That's nice. And what, may I ask, is the world wide web? 那很美。 还有什么,我能问吗,是世界广阔网络?

Charles: That's just like saying the internet. 那就象说因特网。

Kristina: Okay, that's not so difficult to understand. 好。那弄明白不是很难。

Charles: No, it isn't. You'll understand all this in no time. 是的。你会在很短时间里弄会的。