林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 3 Talking to Dad-2

Robert's Dad (Father): Which is it, a little or more? 到底是多还是少?

Robert (Son): Dad, I am on the basketball team. Isn't that great? 爸爸,我参加了篮球队.是不是很棒啊?

Robert's Dad (Father): I'm not sure. You know how I feel about you playing sports and not studying. 我不知道. 你知道我对你参加运动不学习是什么感觉吗?

Robert (Son): But I am studying, Dad. I promise. 但是我学习了,爸爸,我保证.

Robert's Dad (Father): I still don't like the idea of you playing when you should be doing schoolwork. 我仍然不喜欢你在你应该做作业的时候去玩.

Robert (Son): But I can do both. I can play sports and do my schoolwork. 我能兼顾二者.我能参加运动和做作业.

Robert's Dad (Father): Are you sure? 你确定吗?

Robert (Son): Yes. 是的.

Robert's Dad (Father): What do you think, dear? 你怎么认为,亲爱的?