林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 7 First Period-1 第一课

(Robert's first period of the day is English class. His teacher is Mr.Hubbard. ) (罗勃特今天的第一课是英语课.他的老师是哈贝得先生.)

Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Good morning, class! 早上好,同学们.

Students: Good morning, Mr. Hubbard. 早上好,哈贝得先生.

Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Did all of you have a fun weekend? How abut you, Robert? How was your weekend? 你们周末过的愉快吗? 你呢罗勃特,你周末过的怎么样?

Robert: It was pretty good. 非常好.

Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Robert, this is an English language class. Please speak a little more. Tell us all about what you did on Saturday and Sunday. 罗勃特,这是英语语言课.说多一些. 告诉我们你星期六和星期天干了些什么.
Robert: Let's see. On Saturday, I went out to dinner. 让我想想.星期六我出去野餐了.

(Robert stops and doesn't say anything more.) (罗勃特停了下来,不再说话.)