林肯英语 - 5
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 19 Robert Calls Michelle on the Phone-4

Michelle: No problem. I know right where that park is. What's your phone number? 没问题. 我知道公园在哪儿. 你的电话号码是多少?

Robert: My number is 3-2-6--1-1-8-2. 我的号码是326-1182.

Michelle: Did you say 3-2-6--1-1-2-8? 你是说326-1128?

Robert: No, 3-2-6--1-1-'8-2'. 不是,是326-1182.

Michelle: Oh! Okay, I have it. What time should I come? 啊!我知道了. 我什么时候来呢?

Robert: How about six o'clock? 6:00怎么样?

Michelle: I have to ask my parents, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll let you know in school tomorrow? 我要问一下我的父母,不过我保证他们会同意的. 明天到学校告诉你.

Robert: Okay, talk you then, good night! 好的.到时候再说.晚安.

Michelle: Good night! 晚安.