林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 7 P.E.-2

Knight: What? There is only one football. 什么?足球只有一种.

Kevin: Yeah, but my friend says you play soccer with your feet and so it should be called football. He also says that you play football with your hands and so it should be called handball. 是的,但是我的朋友说你用脚踢英式足球,所以叫足球. 他还说你用手玩足球, 所以叫做手球.

Knight: That is nonsense. 没有意义.

Kevin: Why? I think he is true. 为什么?我觉得这是真的.

Knight: It may be true, but in American football is football and that will never change. By the way, Kevin, why don't you like football? 可能是对的, 但是在美国足球就是足球是永远不会改变的. 顺便问一下,凯文,你为什么不喜欢足球?

Kevin: I don't like any sports. 我不喜欢任何运动.

Knight: What? Then what do you like? 什么?! 那么你喜欢什么?

Kevin: I like music. I play guitar in a rock band. My hero is is Kurt Cobain. 我喜欢音乐. 我在一个摇滚乐团弹吉他. 我心目中的英雄是克特.卡宾.

Knight: Who is that? Is he a football player? 是谁?是足球运动员吗?

Kevin: No. His is a guitar player. 不,他是一个吉他弹奏手.