林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 9 Brunch 2-1 早餐时间2

(Kevin goes to find Barry and tell him the bad news.) (凯文去找巴瑞,告诉他这个坏消息.)

Kevin: Barry, we have to talk. 巴瑞,我们得谈谈.

Barry: Sure, what's up? 当然,什么事?

Kevin: I have some bad news about tonight. 我有一些关于今晚的坏消息.

Barry: What is it? Is the party cancelled? 是什么? 晚会取消了?

Kevin: No. 没有.

Barry: Is our band cancelled? 我们的乐队取消了?

Kevin: No. 没有.

Barry: What is it? 是什么?

Kevin: I can't give you a ride to the party tonight. 我今晚不能送你去晚会了.