林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 10 Health Education-1 健康教育

(Kevin's fourth period class is health education in which students learn about general health matters like diet, exercise, and sex education. His teacher's name is Ms. Moore.) (凯文的第四节课是健康教育, 在这节课上同学们可以学到有关于基本健康饮食,运动,还有性教育. 他的老师是莫尔小姐.)

Kevin: Ms. Moore, I have a question. 莫尔小姐,我有一个问题.

Moore: Yes, Kevin, what is it? 好的,凯文.什么问题?

Kevin: I have a question about sex. 我有一个关于性的问题.

Moore: What is your question? 你的问题是什么?

Kevin: When did you have your first experience? 你的第一次经验是什么时候?

Moore: Kevin, let me ask you the same question. When did you have your first sexual experience? 凯文,我来问你一个相同的问题. 你的第一次性经验是什么时候?

Kevin: Actually, I'm a little embarrassed, but I have no experience. 事实上,我有一点困惑, 但是我没有经验.

Moore: Why? Should you be embarrassed about that? 为什么你对那个问题有些困惑呢?

Kevin: Well, a lot of my friends have already had their first sexual experience, but... 恩,我的很多朋友已经有了第一次性经验,但是....