林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 14 At Home-1 在家里

(After school, Kevin goes home to drop off his books before the football game and the party. At home his mom asks him about his day.) (放学后,柯文在球赛和晚会开始前放书。 在家里他的妈妈问他今天的情况。)

Mom: Kevin, why don't you tell me about your day? 柯文,你为什么不告诉我你今天的情况呢?

Kevin: Mom, I had a great day today. 妈妈,我今天过的很好

Mom: Really? Why don't you tell me about it? 真的?你为什么不告诉我有关的事呢?

Kevin: Okay. First, I had a really good talk with Barry this morning. 好的。 早上我和芭雷好好的谈了一下。

Mom: Really? What did you talk about? 真的?你们谈了些什么?

Kevin: Nothing special, it was just good. 没什么特别,只是很好。

Mom: Well, that's great. What about school? 那很好.学校呢?