林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 14 At Home-3

Kevin: I know, but my English teacher, Mr. Gomez, told me how cool college was so now I'm thinking about going. 我知道,但是我的英语老师,高蒙老师, 告诉我大学很棒,因此我打算上了。

Mom: That's wonderful. Tell Mr. Gomez thank you for me. 那太好了.替我谢谢高蒙老师。

Kevin: I will. 我会的。

Mom: Oh, look what time it is. It's almost five o'clock. The news will be on television soon. Let's watch together. 哦,看看几点钟了。 已经5:00了。 新闻就要开始了。 我们一起去看吧。

(Kevin looks disappointed.) (柯文看起来很失望。)

Kevin: Do I have to? 我必须去吗?

Mom: You don't have to, but you should. 你不是必须,而是应该。

Kevin: Okay. 好的。

Mom: That's a good boy. 好孩子。