林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 15 Television News-1 电视新闻

(Kevin's mother turns on the television to get ready to watch the news.) (柯文的妈妈打开电视机准备看电视。)

Mom: Kevin, be quiet the news is on. 柯文, 新闻开始了,安静一点。

Kevin: Okay. 好的。

(Kevin sits down on the sofa next to his mother. Just then, Kevin's sister, Mary, comes home. She comes into the living room and watches the news too.) (柯文坐在沙发上,靠在他妈妈旁边。 就在那时,柯文的姐姐,玛蕾,回家了。 她来到卧室,也一起看新闻。)

Mary: Mom, I don't know why you like the news. It's the same every day. Every day there is some crime, fire and floods. There is never any good news. 妈妈,我不知道你为什么喜欢新闻。 每天都是一样的。 每天都有犯罪,火灾和洪水。 从来没有好消息。

Mom: Mary, be quiet. I'm trying to watch this. I know there is some bad news, but it is important that we know what is happening in the world. 玛蕾,安静。 我想看看这个。 我知道有一些坏消息, 但是我们知道世界上发生了什么是很重要的。

Kevin: Yeah, Mary, mom is right. It is important that we know about the world. Why are you so stupid? 是的,玛蕾,妈妈是对的。 我们了解地球是很重要的。 你为什么这么愚蠢呢?

Mary: Be quiet, Kevin. I'm a lot smarter than you are. 安静,柯文。我比你聪明多了。 不,你不是。

Kevin: No, you're not. You're just older, not smarter. 你只是比我大,并不比我聪明。

Mom: You are both smart. And you both have to be quiet. The news is on. 你们都很聪明。 你们俩都安静,新闻开始了。