林肯英语 - 6
A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 20 Going to Bed-1 睡觉

(After Kevin and Barry apologize to each other, they decide to spend the night at Barry's house. They begin to get ready to go to sleep.) (柯文和芭雷互相道歉后, 他们决定在芭雷家过夜。 他们打算睡觉。)

Barry: Kevin, you can use the bathroom first. 柯文,你可以先用浴室。

Kevin: But I don't need to use the bathroom. 但是我不需要用浴室。

Barry: I don't mean the toilet, I mean to wash your face and brush your teeth before bed. 我不是说厕所, 我的意思是上床前洗脸刷牙。

Kevin: Oh, okay. I'll brush my teeth first. 哦,好的。 我先刷牙。

(Kevin finishes in the bathroom and comes out.) (柯文在浴室里弄完后出来。)

Kevin: Barry, you can use the bathroom now. 芭雷,你现在可以用浴室了。

Barry: Thanks. I hope it doesn't smell too bad in there. 谢谢.希望那儿不是很难闻。