第 29 课:Weather 天气-1

A:The weather in Beijing is just beautiful! 北京天气真是好极了!

B:Autumn is the best season in Beijing, you know.您知道吧, 秋季是北京最好的时候.

B:Yes,I can see.The summer heat is over, and the winter cold is still far away.
是啊,看的出来. 夏天的酷热过去了, 冬天的严寒还早呢.

B:What is the weather like in Washington at this time of the year? 每年这个时候, 华盛顿的天气怎么样?

A:Autumn is also very nice in Washington. 华盛顿的秋天也很好.

B:Is it very cold in winter there? 那儿冬天很冷吗?

A:No,it isn't.But sometimes it snows a lot in winter.不是很冷可是冬天有时候下很大的雪.

B:Does it rain a lot in summer there? 那儿夏天雨多吗?

A:Oh yes!Sometimes it rains very heavily.How about here in Beijing? 哦,是啊!有时候雨下得可厉害呐. 北京这儿怎样?