第 44 课:A Phone Call 打电话-1

Operator:Rogers Export Company.Can I help you 这是罗杰斯出口公司. 您有什么事?

A:Could I speak to Mr.Johnson,please? 我想请约翰逊先生说话,

O:Sorry,we have two persons with that name here.对不起,我们这儿有两位叫那个名字的.

A:Oh,Mr.Peter A.Johnson,please. 啊,是彼德.A.约翰逊先生,谢谢.

Operator:Sure.One moment,please. 没问题,请稍等.

Secretary: Mr.Johnson's Office. Can I help you?约翰逊先生办公室. 有何贵干?

A:I'd like to speak to Mr.Johnson,please. 我想跟约翰逊先生讲话,谢谢.

Secretary:May I have your name,please? 您是哪位?

A:Sure.This is Sun Ping of Da Dong Import Company.我是大东进口公司的孙平.