第 51 课:The Barber Shop 理发店-2

A:How'd you like to have your hair cut, Sir? 您想怎么个剪法,先生?

B:Well,I'd like it short.It's summer, you know.嗯,我想理短一些.你知道,夏天到了.

A:Sure.But not too short,right? 没问题.可是不能太短,对吗?

B:Certainly not. 当然不能太短.

A:Now,how do you like it? 您看这样行吗?

B:I like it.You've done a good job. 我很满意.你的手艺不错.

A:How about the sideburns? Should I use a razor for them? 鬓角怎么弄? 是不是用剃刀刮一下?

B:Yes,please. 好的,谢谢.