第 114 课:Michael's Dream 迈克的梦想-2

Michael didn't want to make his mother feel sad.迈克不想让他的母亲感到难过.

We tried to make Jane feel happy. 我们设法让简感到高兴.

I tried to make the soup taste better by adding salt. 我在这道汤里加盐以试着让它的味道尝起来好一点.

She decided to quit smoking. 她决定戒烟.

Rather than play music,he studied medicine. 他没有演奏音乐而改学医去了.

I stayed home and slept rather than go to work. 我呆在家里睡觉而没有去工作.

Mike likes jazz rather than classical music. 迈克喜欢爵士乐而非古典乐.

They like living in the mountains rather than near the ocean. 他们喜欢住在山中而非海边附近.