第 146 课:By Taxi 乘坐出租车-2

One of the most convenient ways to get around a city is by taxi. 到城市走走最便捷的方法之一就是乘坐出租车.

Some of the world's best poems are from China. 世上最好的诗之中有些是来自中国.

Many of these students will go abroad to study.这些学生中有许多会出国念书.

Two of those computers are still broken. 那些计算机中有两部仍然是有故障的.

The taxi ride might be expensive,but it's time-saving. 乘坐出租车或许贵了些, 可是它却蛮省时的.

He may be the man that the police are looking for. 他可能是警方正在寻找的那个人.

That may be the best way to do it,so let's try. 那可能是做此事的最佳方法,所以咱们就试试看吧!