第 152 课:Who Discovered America 谁发现了美州-2

1.It is believed that travelers from China got there first. 一般相信来自中国的旅行者最先到达那里.

Travelers from China are believed to have got there first. 一般相信来自中国的旅行者最先到达那里.

It is said that Michael Jackson loves Asia. 据说迈克尔. 杰克逊喜爱亚洲.

Michael Jackson is said to loves Asia. 据说迈克尔.杰克逊喜爱亚洲.

2.America was not named after Christopher Columbus 美州不是以克里斯多弗. 哥伦布的名字命名的.

Washington D.C.was named after George Washington. 华盛顿特区是以乔治. 华盛顿的名字命名的.

In America the first son is often named after his father. 在美国,第一个出生的儿子通常以他父亲的名字命名.

Were you named after anyone? 你是以别人的名字命名的吗?