第 155 课:Air Pollution 空气污染-2

People who breathe bad air for a long time get really sick 凡是长时间呼吸恶劣空气的人可能会生重病.

Mary becomes so happy when she sees you. 玛丽见到你时变得很高兴.

Alice became sad and started to cry. 爱丽斯变的很伤心便开始哭了起来.

I suddenly became hungry when I smelled the delicious food. 当我闻到食物的香味时, 突然变得饿了起来.

Why do people get headaches in a crowded,stuffy room? 为什么人们在又挤又闷的 房间中会头疼呢?

This is a dirty, smelly bus. 这是部又脏又臭的公共汽车.

You are a rude, disgusting man. 你是个粗鲁又令人厌恶的男人.

Martha's son is a hardworking, intelligent young man. 玛莎的儿子是个努力工作又聪明的年轻人.