第 160 课:The Secret of Longevity 长寿的秘诀-1

Hong Ying,who comes from Guangdong,is known as the oldest person in China. 籍贯广东的洪英是中国众所周知的最长寿的老人.

She is 122 years old. 她现年122岁.

Although she can hardly hear,her voice is loud and clear. 虽然她几乎听不见,但她的声音洪亮又清晰.

In fact,she is still full of life. 事实上,她仍充满了生命力.

What's the secret of her longevity? Maybe it's her personality. 她长寿的秘诀是什么呢?也许在于她的个性.

According to her family and friends, she is humorous and easy to get along with . 据她的家人和朋友说: 她很幽默也很容易相处.