第 161 课:The Secret of Longevity 长寿的秘诀-2

Hong Ying is known as the oldest person in China. 洪英是中国众所周知最长寿的老人.

Mack is known as a writer of children's books. 麦克是位知名的儿童故事作家.

Picasso is renowned as a painter. 毕加索是位知名的画家.

Connie is famous for her poetry. 康妮以其诗而闻名.

She is humorous and easy to get along with. 她很幽默也容易相处.

She is willing to help others. 她很乐意助人.

They are anxious to go out and play. 他们急着要出去玩.

Charles is longing to see his girlfriend. 卡洛斯渴望看到他的女友.