第 190 课:An Honest Man 诚实的人-1

If you are honest, people will trust you. 你若诚实,人们就会信任你.

It is important for a person to have a reputation for being honest. 对一个人来说,拥有诚实的信誉是很重要的.

If a person is dishonest,no one will want to be his friend. 一个人若不诚实,就没有人会想和他做朋友.

He will soon become an outcast.不久他就会被人拒之于千里之外.

On the other hand, an honest man wins the respect of others. 另一方面来说.诚实的人会赢得别人的尊敬.

Honesty is,indeed,the best policy. 诚实的确是上策.