第 206 课:Van Gogh 梵高-2

It cannot be denied that Van Gogh was a great artist. 不可否认,梵高是位伟大的艺术家.

No one can deny that smoking is bad for your health. 不可否认抽烟对人体不好.

There's no denying that it is more convenient to live in the city than in the country. 不可否认,住在城市比住在乡下方便.

There is no doubt that computers are more efficient than typewriters. 毫无疑问,电子计算机比打字机更有效率.

Today these paintings are sold for large sums of money. 今天这些画卖价甚高.

Simon wants to lose weight so he doesn't eat anything for lunch. 西蒙想减肥,因此他午餐时什么也没吃.

I usually have sandwiches for lunch, but rice for dinner. 我午餐通常吃三明治, 但晚餐则吃米饭.