第 209 课:Don't Be Shy 不要害羞-2

Our English teacher says that we should not be afraid to make mistakes. 我们的英文老师常说我们应该不要怕犯错.

Larry's mother says that he won't be home until late tonight. 拉里的母亲说他今 晚要很晚才能回家,

Don't look at me; I have nothing to say. 别看我,我没有什么好说的.

Every time we speak in class,she tells us to shut up! 每次我们在课堂上讲话, 她就叫我们闭嘴.

My mother told me to apologize to my sister for being mean to her. 我母亲叫我去向姐姐道 歉,因我对她很凶.

Please tell me why you don't want to go to Connie's party. 请告诉我为什么你不想去参加康妮的宴会.

We sat around the campfire telling ghost stories.我们围坐在营火前说鬼故事.