第 212 课: Global Warming 全球气温上升-2

To put it simply, that's because of air pollution. 简言之,那是因为空气 污染的缘故.

To be frank with you, our idea wasn't accepted by the boss. 坦白跟你说,我们的主意并没有被老板接受.

To tell you the truth, I don't think you look good in black. 跟你说实话,我认为你 穿黑色不好看.

Frankly speaking,it would be better for you to study history. 坦白说,你念历史会比较好.

If this situation is allowed to continue, it will just keep getting hotter and hotter. 如果我们任由这种情形持续下去, 地球就会变的越来越热.

He is just a child. You shouldn't allow him to stay up so late. 他只是个孩子,你不应该让他熬夜到这么晚.

My parents never allowed me to watch TV when I was young. 小时侯我父母从不让我看电视.

Talking is not allowed in the library. 在图书馆里不准讲话.