第 50 课:She Wants to Wear Something Formal 她想穿正式的衣服-1

Judy is looking for something nice to wear for a job interview. 朱迪正在寻找求职面试时要穿的一件好衣服.

She wants to wear something formal. 她想要穿正式的衣服.

Unfortunately,she doesn't have anything except casual clothes. 不幸的是,她除了休闲服以外,没别的衣服.

Judy is worried. She has nothing suitable to wear, 朱迪很焦急.她没有适当 的衣服可穿,

so she puts on her best casual clothes. 于是她穿上了她最好的休闲装.

She goes to the interview.Guess what? Judy gets the job! 她面试去了.你猜怎么了?朱迪得到了那份工作.