第 93 课:The Hare and the Turtle 兔子与乌龟-2

One day the hare proudly challenged the turtle to a race. 有一天兔子骄傲地向 乌龟挑战赛跑.

One day Paul will be successful. 有一天保罗会成功的.

Someday Betty will be a famous singer. 有一天贝蒂将会成为一名歌手.

The other day I treated my parents to dinner. 前几天我请我父母吃晚餐.

The turtle can only walk slowly . 乌龟只能慢慢走.

That man is extremely rude. 那个男人真的很粗鲁.

Sally works very efficiently. 萨莉工作很有效率.

In the end,he was rewarded for his perseverance. 最后他因坚韧不拔的精神而获得回报.

In the end,you will benefit from your hard work. 最后你会因努力工作而获益的.

Carl will do well in the end. 卡尔最后会做得很好的.

Fred didn't want to go in the beginning. 起初弗雷德不想去.