第 24 课:Back from vacation 旅行归来-2

Julie: They are. And not only that the people are friendly, but also the food is delicious, not to mention cheap. 是的。不止是那儿的人很友好,食物也很美味,更不用提价钱了。

Mark: I do like Thai food. Did you see much of Bangkok? 我也特别喜欢泰国菜?你去参观了曼谷很多地方吗?

Julie: Not much. I've go enough city life in Beijing. 不是很多。我在北京已经过腻了城市生活。

Mark: I know what you mean. I could use a vacation myself. 我理解。我也应该去度一下假。

Julie: Hey, wouldn't it be great if we could go to Thailand together sometime? 嘿,什么时候我们一起去泰国不是很好吗?

Mark: Yeah, it sure would. 是啊,一定会的。