第 51 课:A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. 一环薄弱,全局必垮

A: Well, you know what they say. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.' So, I think we should get rid of him. 你知道人们怎么说,"一环薄弱,全局必垮。"所以我想我们得辞掉他。

B: Isn't that a little drastic? 那是不是有点太严厉了?

A: Not really. He's been given every chance to prove that he's competent and so far he hasn't produced anything worthwhile. 其实并不严厉。我们一直给他机会显示他的才能,可直到现在他并未做出什么像样的成绩。

B: I had the impression that he did a good job on that project we had in the spring. 我印象里他在我们春季那个项目中表现不错。

A: He started out okay. But wasn't able to finish the job. Someone else had to. 开始他干的不错,但后来不能完成任务,只得由别人接手。

B: Well, it's too bad. He's a very likeable guy. 哦,那真糟糕。他是个挺讨人喜欢的小伙子。

A: I know, but you know the old saying. "Nice guys finish last!" 这我知道,可是你也知道俗话说"好小伙子总是跑最后一名。"