密执安初级口语第 43 课:Where's the pharmacy 药店在哪里呢?A:Do you have cold medicine? 你有感冒药吗?
B:Yes, but do you have a prescription with you? 有, 但你有处方吗?
A:No, I don't. 我没有.
B:I'm afraid you can't buy any medicine without a prescription from a doctor. 恐怕你买不到任何药, 如果没有医生的处方.
A:I have a headache. Is there anything I can buy without a prescription? 我头痛, 有没有非处方药?
B:Then you can buy aspirin. 有阿斯匹林.
A:I'll take the aspirin, then.And have you a small first-aid kit? 那我就吃阿斯匹林吧. 有小型急救包吗?
B:Yes,here this is. 有, 这就是.
A:I'll take it,too. 这个我也要.
B:Thank you and take care. 谢谢惠顾, 请你珍重.