第 70 课:Shopping 购物-8

Q:What about the National Club? 去国际俱乐部怎样?

A:The National Club is nice. But the Metropolitan is quieter and not as crowded. It is also more interesting and has better food. 国际俱乐部很好, 但是, 都会俱乐部比较安静而且客人不多, 那里比较有趣, 而且菜肴也比较好.

Q:Is that an interesting book? 那是一本有趣味的书吗?

A:Yes, but the book I read last week was more interesting. 是的, 但是上星期我看过的那本书更有趣.

Q:Does she have any friends here? 她在这里有一些朋友吗?

A:She has some friends here. 她在这儿有一些朋友.