第 72 课:Visit Doctor 看医生-1

Q:Have you called the taxi, John? 约翰,你叫了出租车没有?

A:Yes, I have. It should be here I a minute. Put on your coat and hat. Then we'll be ready. 是的, 我叫了,它很快就来穿上你的外套,戴上帽子, 准备好随时走.

Q:Here he is now. 他来了.

A:Good, I'll take the bags. You go ahead and get in. 很好, 我来拿行李, 你先上车.

Q:Hurry, John. It's 6:25, and the train leaves at 6:35. 约翰, 快点, 都6点25分了, 火车6点35分就开.

A:I'm hurrying. But your watch is fast. I have 6:20. 我正在赶, 但是你的手表快了, 我的才6点20分.

Q:No, it's 6:25. Look at the station clock. 不, 是6点25分, 看看车站的钟.

A:Oh, yes, I guess you're right. Well I just have to pick up our tickets. Then we can get on the train. I'll get them and meet you right there. 啊, 是的. 我想你是对的, 我去拿车票, 然后我们在这碰面上车.