第 77 课:Travel by train 乘火车旅行问答-1

Q:When is the next train to New York? 下班去纽约的火车几点开?

A:That's about two hours from now. 两小时以后.

Q:Is there anything before then? 还有早一点的班车吗?

A:There's a local that leaves at 7:03. 有一班慢车是七点3分开出的.

Q:Can I leave my baggage somewhere? 我可以把行李放下吗?

A:The baggage section is right over there. 行李房就在那边.

Q:Can we go skiing next week? 我们下周可以去滑雪吗?

A:No, I must take a trip to New York. 不行, 我要去纽约旅行.

Q:Are you going to drive? 你要开车去吗?

A:In the winter, I usually go by train. 在冬天, 我通常坐火车去.