第 106 课:外币兑换-1

C:Can I exchange some pounds for HK dollars here? 我可以在这里用英镑兑换港币吗?

S:Yes, sure.Today's exchange rate is twelve HK dollars to one pound. 当然可以, 今天的兑汇率是一英镑兑十二港元.

C:Well, not bad!Is it the same as the going bank rate? 那不错, 是不是与银行汇率一样?

S:There is a slight difference, sir. 先生, 有一点差别.

C:The bank rate is more favorable. Is that correct? 银行汇率较优厚, 对吗?

S:You're right, sir, but I'm afraid all banks are closed now. 对, 先生, 但恐怕现在所有银行都已关门.

C:I see. What's their opening hours? 是的, 他们的营业时间是怎样的?

S:Normally from nine to five,However,some open from eight-thirty to four-thirty. 一般是朝九晚五有部分则是早上八时半至下午四时半.